I - Track Package 1
1. Go to
2. You can find tracking information in your order details. If an order includes multiple items, each may have separate delivery dates and tracking information.
3. You can either use your Order Number and the Email address used upon placing the order.
Or the Tracking Number
4. The click Track
II Track Package 2
- Please use
- To call your local post office, please check here
- Depending on the shipping method you chose, it's possible that the tracking information might not be visible immediately.
- If your local post office has assigned a local tracking number for your parcel, use that new local tracking number to track the status of your shipment. Please check the photo below for how to identify your local tracking number.
If your local post office has not assigned a local tracking number, you can use the same tracking number to track your package using your country's local post office website. Please check the photo below on how to identify where to track your package.
- For more information about our Shipping and Delivery, please click here.
Please allow us to further assist you if you have any other questions or concerns! Click here to submit a ticket and you should get a response within 24-48 business hours.